Book Lounge

Lounge Booking Request




The endpoint to use is:

For example, for Plaza Premium T5 lounge - 3 hours at London Heathrow Airport the endpoint is:

Request Parameters

The parameters must be sent in the body of the request, as x-www-form-urlencoded data.

NB: All parameter names are case sensitive.

Name Data Type Format Mandatory? Additional Information
ABTANumber String [A-Z0-9] 5 chars Y This is also known as an ‘agent code’.
This will be confirmed to you by your Account Manager during set up.
Password String [A-Z0-9] 5 chars N* Password required for retail agent requests - intermediaries do not require a password.
This will be confirmed to you by your Account Manager during set up.
Initials String [A-Z] 3 chars N The initials of the Operator / Agent.
key String [A-Z] Y This will be assigned to you by your Account Manager during set up.
token String [0-9] 9 chars Y This is the same token used in the availability request.
ArrivalDate Date YYYY-MM-DD Y Date customer wishes to enter the lounge.
ArrivalTime Time HHMM Y Time customer wishes to enter the lounge.
Adults Integer [0-4] 1 char Y Number of adults requiring entry to the lounge. Please note: a maximum of 6 passengers is permitted on any one booking.
Children Integer [0-3] 1 char N Number of children requiring entry to the lounge. Please note: a maximum of 6 passengers is permitted on any one booking.
Infants Integer 1 char Y Number of infants requiring entry to the lounge. Please note: a maximum of 6 passengers is permitted on any one booking.
Title String [A-Z] 4 chars Y Title of lead passenger
Initial String [A-Z] 1 chars Y Initial of lead passenger
Surname String [A-Z] 20 chars Y Surname of lead passenger
Address[] String [A-Z0-9] 25 chars Y First line of address (house name / number and road) of lead passenger
If you require more than 1 address line, then you can replicate this field and increment the number in square brackets, i.e. “Address[1]” for address line 2, and so on.
NB: This field can be set to NA
Town String [A-Z] 20 chars Y Town of address
NB: This field can be set to NA
County String [A-Z] 20 chars Y County of address
NB: This field can be set to NA
PostCode String [A-Z0-9] 10 chars Y Post code of address
NB: This field can be set to NA
Email String [A-Z0-9] 50 chars Y Email of lead passenger
MobileNum String [0-9] 20 char Y Mobile phone number of lead passenger.
PriceCheckFlag String Y Y Indicates a price check will be carried out prior to booking.
If the price is lower in the system the booking will be made as the customer will benefit from a saving. If the price has changed and is higher than the price stated on availability, an error will return to explain that the price has increased, the booking can still be made but the customer must confirm that they will pay the higher amount. You should then resubmit the request changing the PriceCheckPrice with the new price.
PriceCheckPrice Float [0-9] 8 chars Y Price of the product, received from the availability request or price check.
System String [A-Z] 3 chars Y* For European products, you need to pass in the value of System=ABG (the default is System=ABC, which is UK products only).
Waiver Boolean [0,1] Y Defaults to 0 if not supplied.
Supplements/Code String [A-Z0-9] 5 chars N Product code of the upgrade to book. See below for more info on booking upgrades
Supplements/Date String YYYY-MM-DD Y The date to book the upgrade for. This should be brought forward from the upgrade availability request.
Supplements/Quantity Integer [0-9]1 char Y* For per room/booking upgrades, specify the required quantity
Supplements/Adults Integer [0-9]1 char Y* For per person upgrades, specify the number of adult passes
Supplements/Children Integer [0-9]1 char Y* For per person upgrades, specify the number of child passes
Supplements/TotalPrice Float [0-9] Y Mandatory for all upgrades. The total price of the upgrade, accounting for total quantity
Supplements/LoungeArrival String YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Y* Mandatory for Lounge upgrades. Specifies the time the client wishes to enter the lounge

Booking Upgrades

It is possible to booking upgrade items at the same time as making a core product booking. Once the core product has been selected you must make an Upgrade availability request. Use the information in the response to pick the upgrades desired for the product. In the booking request any number of Supplements tags may be added but each must be for a unique upgrade. Multiple Supplements can be added in the request using the square bracket([]) notation e.g.

POST /v1/lounge/LHRNN3 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

ABTANumber=YourABTANumber&Password=YourPassword&Initials=YourInitials&key=YourKey&token=YourToken&ArrivalDate=2020-11-09&ArrivalTime=12:30&DepartDate=2020-11-17&DepartTime=13:45&Title=Mr&Initial=T&Surname=Test&Address=Holiday Extras Ltd&Address=Ashford Road&Town=Hythe&County=Kent&PostCode=CT214JF& Rover&CarModel=Vogue&Registration=TE17 STS&ReturnFlight=VIR19&Supplements[0][Code]=HXOST1&Supplements[0][Quantity]=1&Supplements[0][Date]=2020-11-09&Supplements[0][TotalPrice]=1.99&Supplements[1][Code]=STNSFS&Supplements[1][Date]=2020-11-09&Supplements[1][Adults]=2&Supplements[1][Children]=1&Supplements[1][TotalPrice]=21.00

For per Room or per Booking upgrades a Quantity must be supplied. For per Person upgrades the number of Adult and Children passes must be supplied. Depending on the upgrade it may also be necessary to supplier the number of Infants.


A TotalPrice must be included with each supplement node. This should be calculated as follows;

  • Per Room or per Booking - Quantity x Price
  • Per Person - (Adults x AdPrice) + (Children x ChPrice)

*NOTE* When booking upgrades the cost of the upgrades should not be added to the PriceCheckPrice. This should only reflect the price of the core product.


When booking fast track passes you will receive links to the client’s fast track passes in the booking response. These can be added to your own confirmation emails and will be required by the client to use their passes.


In the UK, we are PCI DSS compliant and so we do not accept customers’ payment details being passed to us via the API. Further details can be found in our section on Payment.

Please contact your Account Manager if you have any questions concerning payment.

Lounge Booking Response

The lounge booking response will confirm that a booking has been placed in our system.

For a detailed explanation of the fields returned, please see below:

Field Additional Information
Booking/BookingRef This is the reference for this booking. It must be referred to in all communication with us concerning this booking.
NB: Our booking references are up to 12 char alphanumeric (including 1/I and 0/O/Q).
Booking/AgentComm Commission you have earned from this booking.
Booking/MoreInfoURL The URL for viewing the booking. See view booking for more details.
CurrentSupplements/Code Upgrade Code
CurrentSupplements/Name Name of the upgrade
CurrentSupplements/Price Price Paid for the upgrade
CurrentSupplements/NonDiscPrice The original price of the upgrade before any discounts
CurrentSupplements/Per The pricing basis for the product (booking/room/person)
CurrentSupplements/Adults The number of adult passes purchased
CurrentSupplements/Children The number of child passes purchased
CurrentSupplements/Date The date the upgrade has been purchased for
CurrentSupplements/Remarks Internal notes
CurrentSupplements/Canx Whether the upgrade can be cancelled
API_Header/Request A list of parameters that were sent in the booking request.

Booking Confirmation

We expect partners to create their own booking confirmations to send to customers, using the information provided in the booking response.

However, we also have capability to send booking confirmation emails ourselves on behalf of partners. This feature is not available as standard, and so if you wish to enable this please speak to your Account Manager.

Worked Examples

Below are worked examples of both the request and response for booking a lounge.

UK Products Booking

  <Address>123 Test Street</Address>
  <PostCode>TE12 3ST</PostCode>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<API_Reply Product="Lounge" RequestCode="5" Result="OK">
      <Address>123 Test Street</Address>
      <PostCode>TE12 3ST</PostCode>

European Products Booking

  <Address>123 Test Street</Address>
  <PostCode>TE12 3ST</PostCode>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<API_Reply Product="Lounge" RequestCode="5" Result="OK">
      <Address>123 Test Street</Address>
      <PostCode>TE12 3ST</PostCode>

UK Product Booking with Upgrades

  <Address>123 Test Street</Address>
  <PostCode>TE12 3ST</PostCode>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<API_Reply Product="Lounge" RequestCode="5" Result="OK">
    <Name>Outbound Delay Cover</Name>
      <Address>123 Test Street</Address>
      <PostCode>TE12 3ST</PostCode>