View Booking

API Docs > product:view

View Booking Request

This method works for bookings made for any product type using our API.




The endpoint to use is (where YourBookingRef is the Holiday Extras booking reference):


    Note the .js extension.

Request Parameters

NB: All parameter names are case sensitive.

Name Data Type Format Mandatory? Additional Information
ABTANumber String [A-Z0-9] 5 chars Y This is also known as an ‘agent code’.
This will be confirmed to you by your Account Manager during set up.
Password String [A-Z0-9] 5 chars N* Password required for retail agent requests - intermediaries do not require a password.
This will be confirmed to you by your Account Manager during set up.
Initials String [A-Z] 3 chars N The initials of the Operator / Agent.
key String [A-Z] Y This will be assigned to you by your Account Manager during set up.
Email String [A-Z0-9] 50 chars Y Email address used to make the booking (i.e. the email address of the lead passenger)
System String [A-Z] 3 chars Y* For European products, you need to pass in the value of System=ABG (the default is System=ABC, which is UK products only).

View Booking Response

The view booking response will return all of the details against that booking record in our system.

For a detailed explanation of the fields returned, please see below:

Field Additional Information
Booking/BookingRef This is the reference for this booking. It must be referred to in all communication with us concerning this booking.
NB: Our booking references are up to 12 char alphanumeric (including 1/I and 0/O/Q).
Booking/Amendable This will return one of the following: Y = booking can be amended; N = booking cannot be amended; C = booking has been cancelled; S = booking is same day so cannot be amended or cancelled.
Booking/CanxDate If the booking has been cancelled, the date on which it was will return here.
Booking/AgentComm Commission you have earned from this booking.
Booking/BookingDate The date the booking was originally made on.
Booking/PdfURL ⚠ Deprecated: This feature provided a link to generate a PDF version of the booking confirmation. It is no longer supported and will be removed in future releases.
Itinerary This block will return details of the original booking, as per the booking response for each product type. Please see the respective booking guides for further details on the fields.
ClientDetails This block will return details of the lead passenger.
Pricing This block will return details of the price paid by the customer.
VAT Please ignore this block.
CustRef If you have passed in a Customer Reference with your original booking request, it will return here.
BarCode A link to generate a bar code for the booking confirmation.
QRCodeValue (EU only) Value of the QR code that comes with email confirmation. More details about QR Code
QRCodeValueStr (EU only) Value of the QR code that comes with email confirmation. More details about QR Code
SupplierRef (EU only) External booking id booking
CurrentSupplements[] Array of upgrades on the booking
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Code Upgrade product code
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Price The price paid for the upgrade
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/NonDiscPrice The price of the upgrade before any discounts
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/DiscAmt The value of any discount applied
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Supplier Code for the supplier of the upgrade
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Rule Internal field
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Req The purchased quantity of the upgrade
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Per The pricing basis of the upgrade
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Adults The number of adult passes purchased
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Children The number of chlid passes purchased
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Date The date of use for the upgrade
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Canx Whether the upgrade is cancellable
CurrentSupplements/Supplement/Remarks Notes field. Used to store arrival time for lounge upgrades
AvailableSupplements[] Array of upgrades available to purchase post booking
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/Code Upgrade product code
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/Supplier Code for the supplier of the upgrade
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/Per The pricing basis of the upgrade
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/Canx Whether the upgrade is cancellable
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/Name The name of the upgrade product
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/Price The price of the upgrade
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/NonDiscPrice The price of the upgrade before any discounts
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/DiscAmt The value of any discount applied
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/AdPrice The per adult price minus any discounts. Only present for per person upgrades
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/NonDiscAdPrice The per adult price before any discounts. Only present for per person upgrades
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/AdDiscAmt The amount of discount applied to the per adult price. Only present for per person upgrades
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/ChPrice The per child price minus any discounts. Only present for per person upgrades
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/NonDiscChPrice The per child price before any discounts. Only present for per person upgrades
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/ChDiscAmt The amount of discount applied to the child price. Only present for per person upgrades
AvailableSupplements/Supplement/PerNight Whether the upgrade is charged per night of a stay
API_Header/Request A list of parameters that were sent in the view booking request.


Possible values

  • Y - booking can be amended or cancelled

  • N - booking cannot be amended or cancelled (advance purchase product etc)

  • C - booking has been cancelled

Worked Examples

Below are worked examples of both the request and response for view a booking.

UK Products View Booking (for a car park)



    Note the .js extension.


  • <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <API_Reply System="ABC" Version="1.0" Product="General" Customer="A" Session="749979330" RequestCode="7" Result="OK">
        <Name>Long Stay</Name>
        <VATNo>844 2814 25</VATNo>
          <Name>Fast Track Security STN</Name>
          <Name>Parking And Journey Info Texts</Name>
          <Name>Flight Information Texts</Name>
          <Name>Escape Lounge STN</Name>
          <Name>HX Overstay Protection</Name>
          <Name>Gadget Cover</Name>
          <Name>HX Postal Confirmation</Name>
  • {
      "API_Reply": {
        "ATTRIBUTES": {
          "System": "ABC",
          "Version": 1,
          "Product": "General",
          "Customer": "A",
          "Session": 383966573,
          "RequestCode": 7,
          "Result": "OK"
        "Agent": "YourABTA",
        "Booking": {
          "BookingRef": "YourBookingRef",
          "Amendable": "Y",
          "CanxDate": "",
          "CCode": "",
          "BasketRef": "",
          "AgentComm": "5.47",
          "VATonComm": "0.00",
          "Brand": "HX",
          "Domain": "",
          "Lang": "",
          "Platform": "PARTNERAPI",
          "FraudBooking": "",
          "SupplierReference": "",
          "Cancellable": "",
          "BookingDate": "2020-07-15"
        "Itinerary": {
          "Product": "Parking",
          "ArrivalDate": "2020-11-11",
          "LastAmendDate": "",
          "Remarks": "",
          "FlightNum": "",
          "ArrivalTime": 1230,
          "Location": "STN",
          "ReturnDate": "",
          "CarDropoffTime": 1230,
          "CarPickupDate": "2020-11-19",
          "CarPickupTime": 1345,
          "ParkingDays": "",
          "ParkingSpaces": "01",
          "ReturnFlight": "VIR19",
          "TerminalCode": "....",
          "CarParkCode": "STN5",
          "DepartDate": "2020-11-19",
          "DepartTime": 1345,
          "Duration": 9,
          "NumberOfPax": 1,
          "ValetParking": "N",
          "PPTS": "",
          "ParkStart": "",
          "ParkTo": "",
          "Code": "STN5",
          "Name": "Long Stay",
          "_longitude": "0.214877",
          "_latitude": 51.877156
        "ClientDetails": {
          "Title": "MR",
          "Initial": "T",
          "Surname": "TEST",
          "Address": [
          "Town": "",
          "County": "",
          "Postcode": "CT214JF",
          "DayPhone": 1234567890,
          "EvePhone": 1234567890,
          "Email": "",
          "DataProtection": " ",
          "HistoryText": "",
          "SourceRef": ""
        "Pricing": {
          "AmountPaid": 72.98,
          "AmountDue": "0.00",
          "TotalPrice": 72.98,
          "CCardSurchargeAmount": "0.00",
          "BasePrice": 49.99,
          "Refund": "",
          "GrossPrice": 72.98,
          "Currency": "GBP"
        "VAT": {
          "BKgexcVAT": 60.82,
          "CWexcVAT": "0.00",
          "CCexcVAT": "0.00",
          "BkgExemptVAT": "0.00",
          "Nettotal": 60.82,
          "VATAMT": 12.16,
          "GrossTotal": 72.98,
          "VATNo": "844 2814 25"
        "CustRef": "",
        "RequestFlags": {
          "Registration": "Y",
          "CarMake": "Y",
          "CarModel": "Y",
          "CarColour": "Y",
          "CreditCard": "N",
          "ReturnFlight": "Y",
          "Terminal": "Y",
          "Destination": "Y",
          "MobileNum": "Y",
          "OutFlight": "Y",
          "OutTerminal": "Y",
          "ReturnTerminal": "Y"
        "CarDetails": {
          "Registration": "S585RRW",
          "CarMake": "VAUXHALL",
          "CarModel": "CORSA",
          "CarColour": "WHITE",
          "OutFlight": "-",
          "OutTerminal": "",
          "RetTerminal": "",
          "Mobile": 1234567890,
          "Destination": "-"
        "CurrentSupplements": {
          "Supplement": [
              "Code": "HXOST1",
              "Price": 1.99,
              "NonDiscPrice": 1.99,
              "DiscAmt": "0.00",
              "Supplier": "PCO",
              "Rule": "STANDARD",
              "Req": "01",
              "Per": "B",
              "Adults": "0",
              "Children": "0",
              "Date": "2020-11-11",
              "Canx": "Y",
              "Remarks": ""
              "Code": "STNSFS",
              "Price": 21,
              "NonDiscPrice": 21,
              "DiscAmt": "0.00",
              "Supplier": "MG3",
              "Rule": "STANDARD",
              "Req": "03",
              "Per": "P",
              "Adults": 2,
              "Children": 1,
              "Date": "2020-11-11",
              "Canx": "Y",
              "Remarks": "13:30"
        "AvailableSupplements": {
          "Supplement": [
              "Code": "STNSFS",
              "Supplier": "MG3",
              "Per": "P",
              "Canx": "Y",
              "Name": "Fast Track Security STN",
              "AdPrice": 7,
              "NonDiscAdPrice": 7,
              "AdDiscAmt": "0.00",
              "ChPrice": 7,
              "NonDiscChPrice": 7,
              "ChDiscAmt": "0.00",
              "PerNight": "N"
              "Code": "TXTPJI",
              "Price": 1,
              "NonDiscPrice": 1,
              "DiscAmt": "0.00",
              "Supplier": "TXT",
              "Per": "B",
              "Canx": "N",
              "Name": "Parking And Journey Info Texts",
              "PerNight": "N"
              "Code": "TXTFIT",
              "Price": 1,
              "NonDiscPrice": 1,
              "DiscAmt": "0.00",
              "Supplier": "TXT",
              "Per": "B",
              "Canx": "N",
              "Name": "Flight Information Texts",
              "PerNight": "N"
              "Code": "STNESP",
              "Supplier": "MG3",
              "Per": "P",
              "Canx": "Y",
              "Name": "Escape Lounge STN",
              "AdPrice": 28,
              "NonDiscAdPrice": 28,
              "AdDiscAmt": "0.00",
              "ChPrice": 20,
              "NonDiscChPrice": 20,
              "ChDiscAmt": "0.00",
              "PerNight": "N"
              "Code": "HXOST1",
              "Price": 1.99,
              "NonDiscPrice": 1.99,
              "DiscAmt": "0.00",
              "Supplier": "PCO",
              "Per": "B",
              "Canx": "Y",
              "Name": "HX Overstay Protection",
              "PerNight": "N"
              "Code": "GADCOA",
              "Price": 9.99,
              "NonDiscPrice": 9.99,
              "DiscAmt": "0.00",
              "Supplier": "TGC",
              "Per": "B",
              "Canx": "Y",
              "Name": "Gadget Cover",
              "PerNight": "N"
              "Code": "XXXPFC",
              "Price": 1.99,
              "NonDiscPrice": 1.99,
              "DiscAmt": "0.00",
              "Supplier": "HXC",
              "Per": "B",
              "Canx": "N",
              "Name": "HX Postal Confirmation",
              "PerNight": "N"
        "BarCode": "/v1/barcode/YourBookingRef.png?key=YourKey",
        "QRCode": "/v1/qrcode/YourBookingRef.png?key=YourKey",
        "API_Header": {
          "Request": {
            "v": 1,
            "format": "js"

UK Products View Booking (for a transfer)



    Note the .js extension.


  • <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <API_Reply System="ABC" Product="Transfers" RequestCode="7" Result="OK">
                <Name>Private Minibus Transfer (1  -7 People)</Name>
                <Category>Private Minibus Transfer (1  -7 People)</Category>
  • {
      "API_Reply": {
        "ATTRIBUTES": {
          "System": "ABC",
          "Product": "Transfers",
          "RequestCode": 7,
          "Result": "OK"
        "Booking": {
          "BookingRef": "BookingRef",
          "SupplierRef": "SupplierReference",
          "VoucherRef": "",
          "Confirmed": true,
          "DateBooked": "2021-12-22",
          "DateCancelled": null,
          "Customer": {
            "Email": "",
            "Phone": "0234567890",
            "Mobile": "0234567890",
            "Title": "Mr",
            "FirstName": "TEST",
            "Surname": "TEST",
            "LastName": "TEST",
            "UserExtId": "CustomerExternalId"
          "Product": {
            "Code": "ProductCode",
            "Price": 27665,
            "SalesCurrency": "GBP",
            "Name": "Private Minibus Transfer (1  -7 People)",
            "Images": "",
            "BrandImage": null,
            "MobileImage": null,
            "Videos": "",
            "Discount": "",
            "SimilarProducts": [],
            "GroupingName": null,
            "UpsellUpgrade": null,
            "UpsellUpgrades": [],
            "UpsellProducts": [],
            "UpsellTitle": null,
            "UpsellText": null,
            "GhostUpsellProducts": [],
            "SessionId": null,
            "Type": "resortTransfer",
            "Category": "Private Minibus Transfer (1  -7 People)",
            "IsRecommended": "",
            "RecommendationType": null,
            "TransferCode": "TransferCode",
            "Distance": "",
            "PaymentSurcharge": "",
            "DeparturePointType": "DeparturePointType",
            "ArrivalPointType": "ArrivalPointType",
            "Disclaimer": {
              "Title": null,
              "Message": null
            "Accommodation": {
              "Name": "AccommodationName",
              "Address": ""
            "JoiningInstructions": null,
            "ProviderDetails": {
              "ProviderName": "",
              "ProviderRating": ""
            "Cancellation": {
              "Period": 48,
              "Percentage": 100,
              "Fee": 0
            "VehicleDetails": {
              "MinCapacity": 1,
              "MaxCapacity": 7,
              "MinStops": 0,
              "MaxStops": 0,
              "Bags": 2,
              "NumberOfVehicles": 1,
              "IsPrivate": true,
              "Supplier": "Supplier",
              "Make": ""
            "OutboundTransfer": {
              "SupplierRef": "",
              "Origin": "OutboundTransferOrigin",
              "OriginAddress": "",
              "OriginIata": "",
              "Destination": "OutboundTransferDestination",
              "DestinationAddress": "",
              "DestinationIata": "",
              "JourneyTime": 60,
              "DepartureDate": null,
              "DepartureTime": null,
              "ArrivalDate": "2022-03-16",
              "ArrivalTime": "11:15",
              "ReturnDate": null,
              "ReturnTime": null,
              "PickupDate": "2022-03-16",
              "PickupTime": "11:15",
              "JoiningInstructions": "OutboundTransferJoiningInstructions",
              "ContactNumbers": {
                "UkEmergencyTel": "",
                "ReconfirmationTel": "",
                "EmergencyTel": "OutboundTransferEmergencyTelephoneNumber"
            "ReturnTransfer": {
              "SupplierRef": "",
              "Origin": "ReturnTransferOrigin",
              "OriginAddress": "",
              "OriginIata": "",
              "Destination": "ReturnTransferDestination",
              "DestinationAddress": "",
              "DestinationIata": "",
              "JourneyTime": 60,
              "DepartureDate": "2022-03-23",
              "DepartureTime": "11:15",
              "ArrivalDate": null,
              "ArrivalTime": null,
              "ReturnDate": "2022-03-23",
              "ReturnTime": "11:15",
              "PickupDate": "2022-03-23",
              "PickupTime": "08:15",
              "JoiningInstructions": "ReturnTransferJoiningInstructions",
              "ContactNumbers": {
                "UkEmergencyTel": "",
                "ReconfirmationTel": "",
                "EmergencyTel": "ReturnTransferEmergencyTelephoneNumber"
          "Amendable": "N",
          "Addonable": "N"
        "API_Header": {
          "Request": {
            "ABTANumber": "YourAbtaNumber",
            "Password": "YourPassword",
            "key": "YourKey",
            "token": "YourToken",
            "Email": "",
            "v": 1,
            "format": "json"

European Products View Booking (for a hotel room only)



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<API_Reply System="ABG" Version="1.0" Product="General" Customer="A" Session="379895136" RequestCode="7" Result="OK">
    <Name>Schweigers Landgasthof</Name>
    <Postcode>TE1 STS</Postcode>