Insurance countries

API Docs > product:Insurance

Insurance Countries Request

This endpoint will respond with a list of valid regions and / or countries.




To request the list of region codes, the endpoint to use is:

To request the list of countries within a given region code, the endpoint to use is:

For example, to request all the countries within Europe Low, the endpoint is:

List of available regions:

For ease of reference, the current regions available are:

Code Region Covered Countries
UKROI UK & Ireland UK, Republic of Ireland and Channel Islands
EUROPELOW Europe Low-risk All countries in Europe excluding Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey and Greece
EUROPEHIGH Europe High-risk All countries in Europe including Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey and Greece
AUSNZ Australia & New Zealand Australia, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau
WWXUSA Worldwide: all countries excluding USA Full list of 156 countries worldwide, excluding USA, Canada and their territories
WWIUSA Worldwide: all countries including USA Full list of 156 countries worldwide, including USA, Canada and their territories

Request Parameters

Name Data Type Format Mandatory? Additional Information
ABTANumber String [A-Z0-9] 5 chars Y This is also known as an ‘agent code’.
This will be confirmed to you by your Account Manager during set up.
Password String [A-Z0-9] 5 chars Y Password required for retail agent requests - intermediaries do not require a password.
This will be confirmed to you by your Account Manager during set up.
key String [A-Z] Y This will be assigned to you by your Account Manager during set up.
token String [0-9] 9 chars Y Please see user token endpoint for details of how to generate a token.

Insurance Countries Response

Field Additional Information
Meta A count of the countries, states or territories included within this region.
Record The name of the country, state or territory.
API_Header/Request The API returns every parameter and value you sent in the previous request.

Worked Examples

Below are worked examples of both the request and response for insurance countries.

Insurance Countries Request

Insurance Countries Response

NB: This is a shortened example compiled from a full insurance countries response.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
            <country>Abu Dhabi</country>
            <country>American Samoa</country>